so... sometimes when people start a family things change. not when youre married to scotty. so even though we have a two and a half month old bebe- he booked us 8 days in nicaragua. on a beach in the middle of nowhwhere, with a convenient left break for him to enjoy, and an infinity pool for me and riley to enjoy. we will be there with two other lovely couples (love you kim), but im a little worried. a little.
anywho- on my nica to do list:
1. make sure my baby is 110% up to date on her vaccinations. (they will be completed like the day before we depart).
2. make like 60 versions of my "pack for baby" list and have my mother and pediatrician check it 25 times each.
3. walk a lot of hills.
4. lose about 20 lbs.
here are some things i have purchased or plan on purchasing to make me feel better about the trip. yes, i can absolutely be bought.

got this for the little lady. spf 30 and weighs next to nothing. she is going to be so cute hanging out in it on the beach. i am obsessed with (i placed an order at 3:50pm yesterday and there is a huge box, with this tent in it, and dish soap, and diapers, and scottys body wash on my doorstep as we speak. its 9:17 am! and free shipping).

riley and i need matching salt waters. im just having a hard time finding them for me. but these make me smile. yes, i know she doesnt walk.

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