i have been obsessed (for a while) with making our teeny little home more "homey". when i have free time at work... this is what i do...
this would be prefect to replace the chalkboard in the kitchen. for spare keys, chapstick, sunglasses, wads of $100 bills. whatever...

this would be just perfect as a little "bar" in our kitchen area. and it could double as an entree holder when we have people over for dinner. or a stand for outside if we dare to entertain in huntleys lair...

and then i happen to have two best friends who are currently with baby in belly. one, maebel will be here within the next 72 hours!! anywho, maybe i look at babies rooms, and toddlers rooms online sometimes and save them to my desk top... and maybe i dream of ways that i can one day incorporate this in to our one bedroom beach shack...

seriously...? love it.

this will be in my home on day... whether it is our bedroom... or not. amazing!

this room makes me think of grayson and that he needs a little brother PRONTO.

and this is going to be wha my life will probably be like. two kids and only a hallway for them to sleep. lol. this is a great example of hallway living...

i would have died for this when i was 12. this is exactly what i loved. i still love it. it might be a little too feminine for the hubby...
*** i dont know where i found all of these screenshots on my desktop***