scotty and i celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this past weekend. we had planned to spend the day together outside (it was gorgeous out) and then have a beautiful dinner @ geoffrey's on the beach.
instead we sat on the couch while i nursed my cold and watched bad television. i didnt even shower. i am a terrible wife. i did make breakfast for us... an egg sandwich has to count for something. and our romantic dinner got switched to soup from whole foods and a pint of ben and jerry's ice cream.
he did spoil me though. i have hinted that i wanted a rose gold band to match his. now we are best friends with matching rings. love you husband. thanks for the lazy, kind of romantic day. and for not making me feel too bad for ruining our plans.

i really should have taken a better pic...
i made scotty a little "year in review" card. i thought doing one of these every year would give us something fun to look back on when we have a 25 or 50 page booklet.
it has been QUITE the year husband. indeed. thanks for every one of the 365 days. even the bad ones. i cant believe how much more i love you than i did a year ago... how is that even possible?