quick catch up:
1. my amazing friends/co workers threw me a surprise shower at work a few weeks ago. it was amazing. pizza, churros, hall + oates, martinellis, red velvet cake... and the most thoughtful gift for our little girl. i am so lucky to have such amazing people to work with. i truly love them so so much.
3. the housekeeper broke the crib. so we had to buy a new one... and we set it up last sunday.
4. and then even though i just said i was bored- we got the roof done two weeks ago, the painter is here now painting the exterior (we went with a grey-blue with white trim), and we started to dry wall the opening in the living room yesterday to officially give little girl a room :) here is a little progress:
and then here it is less than 24 hours later:
5. huntley is my best friend (even though i am sure she considers scotty HER best friend)- and the only one who understands that sometimes while walking it is perfectly acceptable to take a sit-down-break in the middle of the road.

i will post pics of the new room and kitchen once things are a bit more orderly. until then, i will continue to shop, eat, sleep, and rearrange pointless things in my house.
on the agenda for the week: cirque du soleil "iris" tonight!, hannukkah parties galore this week... dinner with scotty's grandparents, and WAIT WAIT WAIT for this beautiful little girl.
**my wonderful doctor yesterday said baby girl is already over 6.8 ounces... and she still has over 3 weeks to cook and get bigger and healthier and fatter. yay!**