now i just need to find a sweet and cheap printer. and:
order the out of towners bags
decide what to fill em up with. thoughts so far: barefoot contessas granola (which means i need to find cute little plastic bags, ties, and stickers to put on them), waters, postcard from big sur with stamp on it- so people can send it while they are staying the weekend saying how my fun they are having at MY wedding, tide pens or wipes, alka seltzer, emergen-c, deck of cards, big sure newsletter (free), the map (above) with little blurbs on what to do, the intinerary, some fruit, maybe a chocolate bar, maybe some of that "starbucks to go" stuff, hmm... what else???
AND- here is the logo i want to go on the bags. cutie.
yes, it is the same logo that we wanted to "brand" the chargers with. but that is going to cost THOUSANDS of dollars (wtf???) so we scratched that genius idea. on to the next.
all images via me me me