Man o man. I have never been the best balancing act... but this house, my unemployment (the juggling part would be the job search), the puppy, attempting to nurture my relationship with my husband, still be a good daughter, sister (LOTS of work) and friend... is a lot. I am the queen of loathing people with problems like mine who complain about them:
"...between my therapist, life coach, psychologist, nanny, housekeeper, tanning salon and play dates I can hardly keep my head on straight..."
BUT I really do feel a bit dizzy and overwhelmed. I think what the whole part that makes it
hard for me is that MY HOUSE IS FILTHY. Bentley Court is like the San Francisco bridge... the second I sweep the house I might as well start over again... Anywho, between my new house, my new kitchen and new appliances, and my my new huge closet and cute puppy and new husband who looks like Bradley Cooper, I can hardly find the time to blog about all of my new stuff. Ugh. I do make my hypocritical self sick.
New things that I love at the moment.
1. this little puppy. here she is posing with painters plastic, drywall, and some drill bits. poor thing thinks these items are toys.

6. That this is considered fashionable. Because I hate to brush my hair and wash my clothes too.