well... the votes (vote) have been counted and the decision has been made. it was a 2:1 victory. my blogger feedback of ONE was the deciding vote! (ha ha) thank you soulmate!
brown and beige: annie, elysia
blue and beige: scotty
woo hoo! brown and beige it is:

so on my lunchbreak i simply sewed the four ends- measured the fabric 8' x 3' and got some clip on grommets. i thinks it cute. cute enough. they cost me $35 people. they are fine.
quicky sort-of side note: clip on grommet hooks or whatever you want to call them are rad. i could hang a beach towel and they would look like curtains. i am getting more. clip on grommets for us all.
oh, and i had fabric leftover to make a quicky little pillow: