July 15, 2010

More DIY

I dont know if I have mentioned this or not... but DIY is REALLY fun during the inception, REALLY fun the first two or so... and then pretty annoying when you have, say, 143 of the same thing to do, and do, and do...

Anywho, my beautiful Momma and I have begun work on the table runners. We only need 20- so this one should be a piece of cake. We went to JoAnn's and picked out a few different lacey fabrics, bought as many yards as they had of each. We then picked up some "sew and glue" (which is AMAZING), and have being "sewing" the 17.5" x 11' runners. They are so cute and are going to be such a nice little touch.
Here is a snippet of what they look like. Being held up by my gorgeous and very thoughtful Momma.

July 13, 2010

A little list

Lying in bed last night I was thinking about all of the exciting things we have going on right now and how lucky I feel for the future. And I guess it does not hurt to mention that the last 27 years havent been half bad either. Here are some of the things I am thankful for TODAY:

1. The birds chirping outside of our window.

2. That we are having a very special and meaningful wedding outside in a spot near and dear to our hearts. That this outside wedding had us sitting up in bed last night OoooOoooHing and AhhhhhHHhhing over the luxury porta-potties we can choose from (it was fun).

3. My nephew. The sweetest, quirkeist little sensitive man I know. That he always stops to smell the flowers. I love that little man.

4. That almost 200 people are traveling to see us on our most special day ever.

5. Weddings are the most fun creative outlet EVER.

6. We get to move in to a cute little house the week after our wedding.

7. This guy. I wish I was a little more like him :)

8. The ever so giving lemon tree outside of our front door. She is always there to liven up our tap waters at dinner time.

9. Time off.

10. Family- We have both become a bit overwhelmed at times during the planning process. Trying to please many family members as well as ourselves can be a bit trying... But in retrospect, how flipping lucky are we that our families care SOOOOOOO much, maybe even TOOOO much. I equate that with loving us SOO much, or TOOOO much- which is impossible. Love you all, you crazy family, you.

July 11, 2010


***Cue Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros- this always makes me think of US***
I have never slept away from home. Seriously. I was an awkward child. I think that one of the many many great things about him that made me realize that he was the one for me was when he represented "home". As an awkward adult, I still don't like to have "sleepovers". My excuses went from being grounded and Mom not letting me sleep over to I really need to have my special contact solution and toothbrush. Wherever he is, is the only place that you can find contact solution and toothbrushes. Weird.

Anywho, we are buying a HOME. Our first home. A tiny little cottage that will be all ours. She was built in 1925 and has very old, but delightful, bones. We are excited for the project and to start our little family- party of TWO. And maybe a little doggy to keep us company.

But now, when I should be picking out what the guests at our wedding will be eating and re-working the ceremony with the Rabbi- I am looking at how to remove stucco and refinish porcelain claw foot tubs. Overload. Must stop thinking of our little house and start thinking about our HUGE wedding. Once again, Life is so good.