we have kinda sorta made a little progress on little girls room/corner. kinda. cribs are kind of lonely looking without bumpers and toys. but check out my cute chevron totes from my besties in washington. LOVE them. and the changing table is from when i was a little baby. we just wiped it off and got some cute knobs from cost plus and voila. it now looks like an old changing table that has been wiped off and given new knobs. ha. still to do- hang the driftwood mobile that court made for her, paint the walls, protect the windows with earthquake proof lining, find some sort of rocking device, and hang something on the teeny bit of wall space we have for her.

scotty has been having a good ol time in the kitchen. this is miso glazed black cod with spinach. and i added a loaf of bread and oil to my portion because i am huge now and i can never eat just a simply healthy meal. it was delish, and i hope the husband a) stays on this cooking for me kick (he even did the dishes. it was crazy!) b) keeps it nice and healthy for when i am trying to lose this little girl weight that is slowing me down, and c) starts to understand portion control- at $26.99 a lb, we dont each need 1 lb of fish for dinner. especially in a house like ours where leftovers get shown no love. but thank you husband, it was delish! and i love the omega 3's!

i am behind with the kitchen pics. but here i am 2 weeks ago. i know, its massive. and its only getting bigger. as much as i hate being as huge as i am... i love that it (might) mean that we have a big healthy girl growing larger by the second. yes please! and then i go back to hating that i will have to push this potentially huge baby out... but thats something we dont speak of.

i got a new car! thanks husband! she is a beauty. and huntley bear is mortified that she is no longer allowed to sit in the front or wherever she pleases. but she is getting used to the trunk. she is a dog. i am not going to beat myself up over it. she is a DOG.

we found this place literally across the street from our house. it is called george's. if you dont mind stepping over homeless people to get your breakfast- then this place is for you! amazing. greasy, disgusting, and cheap. i feel bad for my former self that i never got to cure a hangover here. (yes, this could have something to do with why i am so large. whatever. i live for syrup lately.)
other than that- i have my second baby shower this weekend. i am so spoiled. but i am so excited. i did the first load of wash for little girl last night. its all so small and sweet i cant stand it. my last day of work before maternity leave is a week from tomorrow (!!)... it will be nice to catch up on life and friendships. i would say sleep, but that ship sailed 2 months ago. scotty has really been so so accommodating and nice to us. he takes huntley on 90% of her walks. gets me crushed ice with 1/10 juice and the rest water whenever i ask without hardly ever rolling his eyes, has been not only cooking dinner and doing dishes, but marketing, and he helps me off of the couch while i squirm and grunt. thanks. it does not go unnoticed.
(even though he got SOOO drunk on saturday night that i was tempted to hit him while he was passed out snoring. but he understands that until baby comes (and after, obviously), his hoorahs are over. O.V.E.R. its on call time.)
life is good.
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