... And I am for sure freaking out a little. Not about getting married to my favorite guy around, just EVERYTHING else. Our pictures. The band. The Food. The Parents. The flowers. The "fun factor". The "oh my god all of these little details that the bride worked on and put thought in to for a year are just the most incredible, cute, thoughtful little ideas" ideas. Basically just everything. On my to-do list- get some pics like this of us.

And feel as relaxed as these two lovebirds look...

Cutie Patootie Wedding via
Once WedI also want our ceremony to be warm. Like this one, below. I am crossing my fingers that my yuppy family loosens up and lets us have a relaxed, loving day where their hatred for the outdoors, sunshine, and (gasp!) LAWN (!!!), can be put aside for four and a half hours.

I would loooooooooooooooooooove to get a moment like this with my new hubby! Pretty please Big Sur, Sunshine goddess, and McClure Pictures. Thank you.

I want to make us a sign like this:

And I want hugs like this every day. Every second of every day. That looks like it feels good. Whataguy.

All of the above via the
website that could get me fired if the IT department looked at how much time I spent on it.
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